Gurukshetra Stories and Incidents

M/s Gurukshetra Consultancy has focus on strategic communication (Advocacy), Promotors, senior Leadership and CXOs image & positioning, aligning Corporate Social Projects with corporate objectives and streamlining internal communication of corporate structure. M/s Gurukshetra Consultancy is all about defining unlimited contribution and scope of Gurus of Corporate World towards positioning industry, society at large and the country, their Kshetra. Gurukshetra would also feature success stories of CXOs and professionals - people who matter and are Gurus of their own Kshetra.

Middle Management - The Underprivileged Section in a Corporate...

The most suffocated yet most adjusting section in a corporate world is the middle-management. They are presumed to become Leaders of tomorrow and that day never comes.

The irony is that such employees of the middle-management are only motivated to become Leaders, but are not groomed or trained by their reporting Manager, the Leader, for the said purpose. The very same Manager is the biggest road-block in their aspirations.

The reasons are primarily or largely ‘insecurity’, though often mentioned as – ‘lack of experience’ or ‘you are not prepared yet to take-up Leadership position’, a statement looking like an automated IVRS sound.

Unless such middle-management employees change their Company, they adjust under the banner of the middle-management.

On the other hand, such Leaders are also not trained by Senior Leadership team, for even higher responsibilities, for obvious reasons – insecurity is the mother of fear and favours.

This vicious circle is further strengthened by few Promotors, who generally feel extremely proud by interacting only with Senior Leaders or utmost Leaders, to finalize vision and mission statements – you can read as dictating vision and mission statements.

Irony is, such Leaders and Senior Leaders, finally bank on middle-management employees for execution of such larger-than-life visions.
This is primarily a reason for the success and failure of an organization and Promotors have a role to play in this. A crude example is – you can hire an interior designer to design your house, but ultimately, you relay on the team that actually builds it.

Leaders make their team secure and not insecure.

There is a story – a boy ran a race and came first. Someone asked the boy – “how many ran in the race”. Prompt came the reply – “I was the only one”.

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